Cool Destiny Tool

Weekly Completion Challenge

Complete Vanguard playlists using the same subclass element as the currently active elemental surge. Higher difficulties grant the most efficient progress.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Complete Vanguard playlists using the same subclass element as the currently active elemental surge. Higher difficulties grant the most efficient progress.",
    "name": "Weekly Completion Challenge",
    "hasIcon": false
  "unlockValueHash": 0,
  "completionValue": 5,
  "scope": 4,
  "locationHash": 0,
  "allowNegativeValue": false,
  "allowValueChangeWhenCompleted": false,
  "isCountingDownward": false,
  "valueStyle": 3,
  "progressDescription": "Progress",
  "perks": {
    "perkHash": 0,
    "style": 0
  "stats": {
    "style": 0
  "minimumVisibilityThreshold": -2147483648,
  "allowOvercompletion": false,
  "showValueOnComplete": false,
  "isDisplayOnlyObjective": false,
  "completedValueStyle": 0,
  "inProgressValueStyle": 3,
  "uiLabel": "",
  "uiStyle": 0,
  "hash": 537457947,
  "index": 1461,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false