Cool Destiny Tool

Shield Bash

After sprinting for a short time, use this melee ability to unleash a devastating Shield Bash that disorients enemies and suppresses the target of Shield Bash.

  "nodeStepHash": 1347995538,
  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "After sprinting for a short time, use this melee ability to unleash a devastating Shield Bash that disorients enemies and suppresses the target of Shield Bash.",
    "name": "Shield Bash",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/4701899661cc061ca9222d82bc905610.png",
    "hasIcon": true
  "perkHashes": [],
  "statHashes": [],
  "affectsQuality": false,
  "hash": 1347995538,
  "index": 81,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false