Cool Destiny Tool

Altars of Reflection—Conclusion [Draft]





SUBJ: Altars of Reflection—Conclusion [Draft]

1. Assessment—Low physical threat presented. Despite the known involvement of VIP #7282, there is no direct contact here now. Further, the Altars are absent of traps or lethal intent as long as [Data missing]

2. Recommendations—Access to be restri [Data missing]

3. Final thoughts—[Data missing, awaiting input]

I… haven't been as thorough as possible. There is still data that could be extracted from the Altars. I haven't committed to due diligence. After seeing old memories of my own, I initially wanted to leave as fast as I could. As if I could leave those memories behind too. But it's safe enough here for now, and I still have a job to do as a Hidden agent.

Study to carry on a little longer. I'll submit this report when I'm sure I am done here.


  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "ACCESS: RESTRICTED\nDECRYPTION KEY: MISSING\nREP #: 221-HIVE-SAV\nAGENT(S): LIN-357\nSUBJ: Altars of Reflection—Conclusion [Draft]\n\n\n1. Assessment—Low physical threat presented. Despite the known involvement of VIP #7282, there is no direct contact here now. Further, the Altars are absent of traps or lethal intent as long as [Data missing] \n\n2. Recommendations—Access to be restri [Data missing] \n\n3. Final thoughts—[Data missing, awaiting input]\n\nI… haven't been as thorough as possible. There is still data that could be extracted from the Altars. I haven't committed to due diligence. After seeing old memories of my own, I initially wanted to leave as fast as I could. As if I could leave those memories behind too. But it's safe enough here for now, and I still have a job to do as a Hidden agent.\n\nStudy to carry on a little longer. I'll submit this report when I'm sure I am done here.\n\nSEND MESSAGE?",
    "name": "Altars of Reflection—Conclusion [Draft]",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/fdd44a1d92f672d89041b4837fdb1b13.png",
    "hasIcon": true
  "subtitle": "",
  "hash": 935120009,
  "index": 2007,
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