Cool Destiny Tool

Europa – 7




RE: Europan Vex Activity

Having reviewed your transmissions and [REDACTED] report, leadership has decided to pull you from Europa for reassignment. You are instructed to remain in camp, engage your emergency transponder, and await extraction.

Off the record: your last report has been making its way around the Tower. It's become… a bit of a joke. So, when they debrief you, just keep your mouth shut about this pumpkin nonsense. Play it off as exhaustion, an optical illusion, or whatever, and you'll be back in the field in no time.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "ACCESS: RESTRICTED\nDECRYPTION KEY: 22PD6L3JVZSS2-709\nHIDDEN AGENT(S): [REDACTED]\nRE: Europan Vex Activity\n\nHaving reviewed your transmissions and [REDACTED] report, leadership has decided to pull you from Europa for reassignment. You are instructed to remain in camp, engage your emergency transponder, and await extraction. \n\nOff the record: your last report has been making its way around the Tower. It's become… a bit of a joke. So, when they debrief you, just keep your mouth shut about this pumpkin nonsense. Play it off as exhaustion, an optical illusion, or whatever, and you'll be back in the field in no time.",
    "name": "Europa – 7",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/e93420cb170d871246ea104d5035b4bb.png",
    "hasIcon": true
  "subtitle": "",
  "hash": 613492806,
  "index": 23,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false