Cool Destiny Tool

TEST NO: 512 - Ice Wielding

RECORD: 6882E467$EUR-0.838

SUBJECT: Security Log E-419

TEST NO: 512 - Ice Wielding - Trial 03


IDENTITIES: C. Bray I, J. Wong, Exo 98


[C.B.] Are we ready to introduce our Exo marionette to the future?

[J.W.] Energy transfer initiated.

[C.B.] I love that sound. The sound of progress.

[J.W.] We're at 15%.

[C.B.] Look at his hand. Magnificent.

[J.W.] The ice is concentrated at the palm. Now at 20%.

[C.B.] Imagine the look on Abram's face if he walked in now. The man has no vision. I don't trust people like that.

[J.W.] Agreed. Threshold at 25%. Now would be optimal.

[C.B.] Let's see what he can do. //Try to focus the energy into a controlled burst.//

(loud hum) (blast) (impact)

[C.B.] It went right through the wall.

[J.W.] I'll pop the champagne. We're at 30%. Should we stop?

[C.B.] No, keep going. We can have him chill the champagne for us. (laughs)

[J.W.] Passing 35%. The ice appears to be spreading up his arm. I think we should pull back.

[C.B.] Keep. Going. //Another round of blasts for us!//

(loud hum) (hum intensifies)

[C.B.] Blast, damn it! Blast now!

(hum intensifies)

[J.W.] Sir, the ice is permeating throughout his body.

(hum intensifies)

[C.B.] He's turning into an icicle. //BLAST!//

[J.W.] He's unresponsive. Killing the feed.

(hum subsides)

[C.B.] Is he still alive?

[J.W.] He's frozen solid. It's possible he'll still be operational.

[C.B.] Incredible. We forge ahead under strict lock and key. I want this under my control, no matter the cost.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "RECORD: 6882E467$EUR-0.838\nSUBJECT: Security Log E-419\nTEST NO: 512 - Ice Wielding - Trial 03\nSTATUS: CONFIDENTIAL\nIDENTITIES: C. Bray I, J. Wong, Exo 98\nLOCATION: Europa – CMC\n\n[C.B.] Are we ready to introduce our Exo marionette to the future?\n\n[J.W.] Energy transfer initiated.\n\n[C.B.] I love that sound. The sound of progress.\n\n[J.W.] We're at 15%.\n\n[C.B.] Look at his hand. Magnificent.\n\n[J.W.] The ice is concentrated at the palm. Now at 20%.\n\n[C.B.] Imagine the look on Abram's face if he walked in now. The man has no vision. I don't trust people like that.\n\n[J.W.] Agreed. Threshold at 25%. Now would be optimal.\n\n[C.B.] Let's see what he can do. //Try to focus the energy into a controlled burst.//\n\n(loud hum) (blast) (impact)\n\n[C.B.] It went right through the wall.\n\n[J.W.] I'll pop the champagne. We're at 30%. Should we stop?\n\n[C.B.] No, keep going. We can have him chill the champagne for us. (laughs)\n\n[J.W.] Passing 35%. The ice appears to be spreading up his arm. I think we should pull back.\n\n[C.B.] Keep. Going. //Another round of blasts for us!//\n\n(loud hum) (hum intensifies)\n\n[C.B.] Blast, damn it! Blast now!\n\n(hum intensifies)\n\n[J.W.] Sir, the ice is permeating throughout his body.\n\n(hum intensifies)\n\n[C.B.] He's turning into an icicle. //BLAST!//\n\n[J.W.] He's unresponsive. Killing the feed.\n\n(hum subsides)\n\n[C.B.] Is he still alive?\n\n[J.W.] He's frozen solid. It's possible he'll still be operational.\n\n[C.B.] Incredible. We forge ahead under strict lock and key. I want this under my control, no matter the cost.",
    "name": "TEST NO: 512 - Ice Wielding",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/8c3f5f6c0e42e33e706505a36b3c0f61.png",
    "hasIcon": true
  "subtitle": "",
  "hash": 587249696,
  "index": 1472,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false