Cool Destiny Tool

Lightkin Mark






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:: Connecting you with your party // EUROPA1@JOVIANFOB ::


@EURFOB: Long day's grace, Misraakskel.

@BOTZA-GUEST: Light bless you, Variks. Thank you for taking this time.

@EURFOB: You sound troubled. Confide. Variks will listen.

@BOTZA-GUEST: The Humans are… they are not as accepting as I had hoped. They cannot see us as anything but the things of their nightmares.

@EURFOB: Are we not?

@BOTZA-GUEST: I thought things would change.

@EURFOB: Kell you may be, but you have much to learn about being a Kell yet, Misraaks.

@EURFOB: Change does not come overnight. Not for Eliksni. Not for Humans. Change takes time, effort. Change hurts. Like first-molt.

@BOTZA-GUEST: I suppose.

@EURFOB: Suppose nothing. Misraakskel is too eager to forget the Wolves. Do you remember what it was like to kneel to the Queen of the Reef?

@BOTZA-GUEST: I thought the Humans would be different.

@EURFOB: Hope is hope, reality is reality. You cannot splice all things to be as you wish.

@EURFOB: No shortcuts here.

@EURFOB: No excuses, either. Not for Humans. Not for Eliksni.

@BOTZA-GUEST: I miss your counsel. You should visit, when things calm. Stand beneath the Great Machine as you did in the time gone.


@EURFOB: No. Variks cannot. That is then. This is now. My river does not flow backwards.


@EURFOB: Enjoy your victories, Misraakskel. Do not let the pain of now overshadow the promise of tomorrow.

@EURFOB: We should all be so lucky.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "// VANNET // CIVILIAN TERMINAL // ENCRYPTION ENABLED //\n\n// TRANSMISSION ORIGIN: EUROPA //\n\n// CONVERSATION LOG—TRANSLATION MODULE ACTIVE //\n\n// USER: @BOTZA-GUEST //\n\n// USER: @EURFOB //\n\n:: Thank you for using VANNET ::\n\n:: Your conversation may be recorded ::\n\n:: Connecting you with your party // EUROPA1@JOVIANFOB ::\n\n----------\n\n@EURFOB: Long day's grace, Misraakskel.\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: Light bless you, Variks. Thank you for taking this time.\n\n@EURFOB: You sound troubled. Confide. Variks will listen.\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: The Humans are… they are not as accepting as I had hoped. They cannot see us as anything but the things of their nightmares.\n\n@EURFOB: Are we not?\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I thought things would change.\n\n@EURFOB: Kell you may be, but you have much to learn about being a Kell yet, Misraaks. \n\n@EURFOB: Change does not come overnight. Not for Eliksni. Not for Humans. Change takes time, effort. Change hurts. Like first-molt.\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I suppose.\n\n@EURFOB: Suppose nothing. Misraakskel is too eager to forget the Wolves. Do you remember what it was like to kneel to the Queen of the Reef?\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I thought the Humans would be different.\n\n@EURFOB: Hope is hope, reality is reality. You cannot splice all things to be as you wish.\n\n@EURFOB: No shortcuts here.\n\n@EURFOB: No excuses, either. Not for Humans. Not for Eliksni.\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I miss your counsel. You should visit, when things calm. Stand beneath the Great Machine as you did in the time gone.\n\n@EURFOB: No.\n\n@EURFOB: No. Variks cannot. That is then. This is now. My river does not flow backwards.\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: But—\n\n@EURFOB: Enjoy your victories, Misraakskel. Do not let the pain of now overshadow the promise of tomorrow.\n\n@EURFOB: We should all be so lucky.",
    "name": "Lightkin Mark",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"It ain't right to think wanting a better life for yourself and your kin is just a Human value.\" —Amanda Holliday",
  "hash": 517124228,
  "index": 1840,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false