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Surveillance Transcript

TYPE: Survelliance Transcript

PARTIES: Two [2]. One Guardian-type, Class Multi [u.1]. One Guardian-type, Class Titan [u.2]

ASSOCIATIONS: Drifter, the; Derelict, the; Dark Ages; possible explosives link



[u.2:0.1] You finish your project?

[u.1:0.1] Yes, ma'am. Planted 'em all this morning.

[u.2:0.2] Tss.

[u.1:0.2] Don't look at me like that. Why you lookin' at me like that?

[u.2:0.3] There are simpler ways—

[u.1:0.3] Not everything's got to be simple, darlin'.

[u.2:0.4] I think you're a coward. Just look 'em in the eye when you do it.

[u.1:0.4] Heh. And if it goes wrong?

[u.2:0.5] Then it goes wrong! Blows up in your face. Who cares! You're immortal. Not like it's gonna kill you.

[u.1:0.5] This is some real Titan braggadocio right here. You know, back in the Dark Ages—

[u.2:0.6] "There were no classes," blah blah "dogma" blah blah. Save it for the rookies. You get tired of this City or your bomb shelter up in the Derelict, the frontier's always waitin'.

[u.1:0.6] It surely is, sister. It surely is.


planted them = to plant a seed, an idea, a bomb

look them in the eye when you do it = to behave honestly, to perform an act of violence

blows up in your face = to make a mistake, to trigger an explosion

bomb shelter = a structure designed to provide protection against the explosion of a bomb


No direct threat detected, but consistent use of explosives metaphor merits field investigation.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "TYPE: Survelliance Transcript\nPARTIES: Two [2]. One Guardian-type, Class Multi [u.1]. One Guardian-type, Class Titan [u.2]\nASSOCIATIONS: Drifter, the; Derelict, the; Dark Ages; possible explosives link\n//AUDIO STORED//\n//TRANSCRIPT FOLLOWS.../\n[u.2:0.1] You finish your project?\n[u.1:0.1] Yes, ma'am. Planted 'em all this morning.\n[u.2:0.2] Tss.\n[u.1:0.2] Don't look at me like that. Why you lookin' at me like that?\n[u.2:0.3] There are simpler ways—\n[u.1:0.3] Not everything's got to be simple, darlin'.\n[u.2:0.4] I think you're a coward. Just look 'em in the eye when you do it.\n[u.1:0.4] Heh. And if it goes wrong?\n[u.2:0.5] Then it goes wrong! Blows up in your face. Who cares! You're immortal. Not like it's gonna kill you.\n[u.1:0.5] This is some real Titan braggadocio right here. You know, back in the Dark Ages—\n[u.2:0.6] \"There were no classes,\" blah blah \"dogma\" blah blah. Save it for the rookies. You get tired of this City or your bomb shelter up in the Derelict, the frontier's always waitin'.\n[u.1:0.6] It surely is, sister. It surely is.\n\n//KEYWORD ANALYSIS//\nplanted them = to plant a seed, an idea, a bomb\nlook them in the eye when you do it = to behave honestly, to perform an act of violence\nblows up in your face = to make a mistake, to trigger an explosion\nbomb shelter = a structure designed to provide protection against the explosion of a bomb\n\n//CONCLUSION//\nNo direct threat detected, but consistent use of explosives metaphor merits field investigation.",
    "name": "Surveillance Transcript",
    "icon": "/common/destiny2_content/icons/d2d41d201c1932f5fc45337876be7495.png",
    "hasIcon": true
  "subtitle": "",
  "hash": 4058345181,
  "index": 1057,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false