Cool Destiny Tool

The Armamentarium

True freedom is an iron-clad lock

And the most useful key, a rock

The tastiest spice is hunger

And the truest certainty—wonder.

The best repair is but destruction,

The purest ignorance, instruction

The safest shelter is an offensive,

And to fall in battle is true ascension

Brothers and sisters, bear thy arms and be merry

To the front, to battle!

Defeat is a sickness and we've found the cure

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "True freedom is an iron-clad lock\nAnd the most useful key, a rock\nThe tastiest spice is hunger\nAnd the truest certainty—wonder. \n\nThe best repair is but destruction, \nThe purest ignorance, instruction\nThe safest shelter is an offensive, \nAnd to fall in battle is true ascension\n\nBrothers and sisters, bear thy arms and be merry\nTo the front, to battle!\nDefeat is a sickness and we've found the cure",
    "name": "The Armamentarium",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "For This, There Is One Remedy",
  "hash": 2829609851,
  "index": 404,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false