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Greaves of Nohr

Of all the Shadows, Valus Nohr was perhaps my keenest tactician. She had a great skill for translating my wishes into sweeping and deadly stratagems. In taking her place, I would expect a new Shadow to share in her ability to plot an operation—and personally carry it out.

Guardians have a tribe for that, don't they? I see them contest with my Loyalists all the time, meeting force with force. Perhaps one of them could take her place.

—Calus, Emperor of the Cabal

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Of all the Shadows, Valus Nohr was perhaps my keenest tactician. She had a great skill for translating my wishes into sweeping and deadly stratagems. In taking her place, I would expect a new Shadow to share in her ability to plot an operation—and personally carry it out.\n\nGuardians have a tribe for that, don't they? I see them contest with my Loyalists all the time, meeting force with force. Perhaps one of them could take her place.\n\n—Calus, Emperor of the Cabal",
    "name": "Greaves of Nohr",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"Under Calus, this system will unite. And when the end comes, we'll be ready. All of us.\" —Valus Nohr",
  "hash": 2597529070,
  "index": 271,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false