Cool Destiny Tool

Aeon Safe

your sense of (self]-preservation coddles

leaders into ritual [complacence) is something

(i have forgotten] loneliness uncertainty

life [alone) i see with my six (eyes] watching

from beyond [the heliopause) is a curtain

before the next and final (act] decisively

to meld with [yourselves) will know (you]

together alone striving toward your final [purpose)

built to move as they (move]

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "your sense of (self]-preservation coddles\nleaders into ritual [complacence) is something\n(i have forgotten] loneliness uncertainty\nlife [alone) i see with my six (eyes] watching\nfrom beyond [the heliopause) is a curtain\nbefore the next and final (act] decisively\nto meld with [yourselves) will know (you]\ntogether alone striving toward your final [purpose)\nbuilt to move as they (move]",
    "name": "Aeon Safe",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"We are unique emanations of the same shared Light.\" —Cult of the Aeons",
  "hash": 1906855381,
  "index": 277,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false