Cool Destiny Tool

Private Match

Create a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Create a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.",
    "name": "Private Match",
    "icon": "/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png",
    "hasIcon": false
  "originalDisplayProperties": {
    "description": "Create a custom PvP match with your fireteam, and best your comrades for personal glory… and bragging rights.",
    "name": "Private Match",
    "icon": "/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png",
    "hasIcon": false
  "releaseIcon": "/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png",
  "releaseTime": 0,
  "completionUnlockHash": 0,
  "activityLightLevel": 0,
  "destinationHash": 4088006058,
  "placeHash": 4088006058,
  "activityTypeHash": 1365291283,
  "tier": -1,
  "pgcrImage": "/img/theme/destiny/bgs/pgcrs/placeholder.jpg",
  "rewards": [],
  "modifiers": [],
  "isPlaylist": false,
  "challenges": [],
  "optionalUnlockStrings": [],
  "inheritFromFreeRoam": false,
  "suppressOtherRewards": false,
  "playlistItems": [],
  "matchmaking": {
    "isMatchmade": false,
    "minParty": 1,
    "maxParty": 12,
    "maxPlayers": 12,
    "requiresGuardianOath": false
  "directActivityModeHash": 3484731833,
  "directActivityModeType": 89,
  "activityModeHashes": [
  "activityModeTypes": [
  "isPvP": true,
  "insertionPoints": [],
  "activityLocationMappings": [],
  "hash": 4074481030,
  "index": 325,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false