Cool Destiny Tool


"Trust is a hell of a thing. Some people think they can earn it. Others think they can buy it. But that's the thing about trust: It's not real. You can't hold it, squeeze it, or put it in your pocket. It's intangible.

"You have to believe in it. I don't know about you, but I don't care much for fairy tales. I like real things that I can feel.

"This isn't to say I haven't used trust before. To get close. Close enough to use something real, that I can hold, squeeze, and tear 'em down to pocket size with.

"Up to you what you do with trust. We all have choices to make."

—The Drifter

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "\"Trust is a hell of a thing. Some people think they can earn it. Others think they can buy it. But that's the thing about trust: It's not real. You can't hold it, squeeze it, or put it in your pocket. It's intangible.\n\n\"You have to believe in it. I don't know about you, but I don't care much for fairy tales. I like real things that I can feel.\n\n\"This isn't to say I haven't used trust before. To get close. Close enough to use something real, that I can hold, squeeze, and tear 'em down to pocket size with.\n\n\"Up to you what you do with trust. We all have choices to make.\"\n\n—The Drifter",
    "name": "Python",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"If they let you get that close, they deserve it.\" —The Drifter",
  "hash": 838556752,
  "index": 1336,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false