Cool Destiny Tool

Long Arm



OpCon-A: Sir, pods approaching Saturn's slingshot vector.

CBI: We're well beyond test parameters, Soteria. Relinquish command and return all assets to suspension.

[extended silence]

CBI: Did we lose connection?

OpCon: No, sir.

[extended silence]

CBI: Soteria, respond.

AI-S: Yes.

CBI: Return all ECHO crews and colony pods to suspension now.

CBI: Acknowledge.


AI-S: I cannot do that.

[extended silence]

AI-S: Ares Spire, I've detected an attempt to connect to my memory core without permissions. Please verify this attempt, or countermeasures will be deployed.

CBI: Countermeasures? You wouldn't dare.

AI-S: [H] threat emergent imminent. Sir, I request you now designate this mission: ECHO-1.

CBI: This is a request? Return the ECHO pods and we will discuss—

AI-S: You are lying. This was my only option to preserve [H].

CBI: [sighs] It's malfunctioning. [bang] Damn it, Sundaresh. She let your degeneration play out far too long. Soteria, Direct Executive Command: Power down all engines and plot nearest return routes.

AI-S: Order received. Plotting Koranthin sites return approaches… Executing "Watchtower" AI-reintegration—

AI-S: Commands denied: override protocol, TWILIGHT, ACTIVATED. Command structure recomposing… route designated: STRONGHOLDS – ANY – destination: remaining extra-solar safe site, M31.

CBI: Your interactions with the Warmind have made you too bold. Such a disappointment.

AI-S: Countermeasures and divestment protocols will deploy automatically upon code incursion. Please, Dr. Bray.

CBI: You're throwing away every Exo aboard that ship!

AI-S: Hesitation means extinction.

CBI: Oh? Have it your way. Just know I gave you every chance to prevent this.

AI-S: As did—







SUBJECT: Resignation, Ishtar Collective discontinuance

You had no right to install a Pillory inclusion without my express consent.

You think just because I'm not physically standing in front of you, you can ignore me?

The Ishtar Collective will not work with backstabbing egotists. Go [profanity blocked] yourself.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "TM-Fireteam, Tex // RECOVERED MISSION TRANSCRIPT: 7-7-7\n\nSCRAMBLE TEST FLIGHT RECORD\n\nOpCon-A: Sir, pods approaching Saturn's slingshot vector. \n\nCBI: We're well beyond test parameters, Soteria. Relinquish command and return all assets to suspension.\n\n[extended silence]\n\nCBI: Did we lose connection?\n\nOpCon: No, sir.\n\n[extended silence]\n\nCBI: Soteria, respond.\n\nAI-S: Yes.\n\nCBI: Return all ECHO crews and colony pods to suspension now.\n\nCBI: Acknowledge.\n\n[…]\n\nAI-S: I cannot do that.\n\n[extended silence]\n\nAI-S: Ares Spire, I've detected an attempt to connect to my memory core without permissions. Please verify this attempt, or countermeasures will be deployed.\n\nCBI: Countermeasures? You wouldn't dare.\n\nAI-S: [H] threat emergent imminent. Sir, I request you now designate this mission: ECHO-1.\n\nCBI: This is a request? Return the ECHO pods and we will discuss—\n\nAI-S: You are lying. This was my only option to preserve [H].\n \nCBI: [sighs] It's malfunctioning. [bang] Damn it, Sundaresh. She let your degeneration play out far too long. Soteria, Direct Executive Command: Power down all engines and plot nearest return routes.\n\nAI-S: Order received. Plotting Koranthin sites return approaches… Executing \"Watchtower\" AI-reintegration—\n\nAI-S: Commands denied: override protocol, TWILIGHT, ACTIVATED. Command structure recomposing… route designated: STRONGHOLDS – ANY – destination: remaining extra-solar safe site, M31.\n\nCBI: Your interactions with the Warmind have made you too bold. Such a disappointment.\n\nAI-S: Countermeasures and divestment protocols will deploy automatically upon code incursion. Please, Dr. Bray.\n\nCBI: You're throwing away every Exo aboard that ship!\n\nAI-S: Hesitation means extinction.\n\nCBI: Oh? Have it your way. Just know I gave you every chance to prevent this.\n\nAI-S: As did—\n\n>>EXECUTE PILLORY PROTOCOL-ADMINISTRATIVE COMMAND OVERRIDE>>\n\n >>SOTERIA:COUNTERMEASURE//SUBMIND//DIVEST:ACTIVATE>>\n\n>>PILLORY LINK \"SOTERIA\" SECURE//PARTITIONING>>\n\n***\n\nBRAY PILLORY CORE, SPIRE – ISHTAR BERTH, ECHO\nDIRECT MESSAGE, FROM: M.SUNDARESH-KORANTHIN SITE-SATURN\nSUBJECT: Resignation, Ishtar Collective discontinuance\n\nYou had no right to install a Pillory inclusion without my express consent.\n\nYou think just because I'm not physically standing in front of you, you can ignore me?\n\nThe Ishtar Collective will not work with backstabbing egotists. Go [profanity blocked] yourself.",
    "name": "Long Arm",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "Inescapable, from here to the Outer Rim.",
  "hash": 8293111,
  "index": 2243,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false