Cool Destiny Tool


"The space between defines the shape. The rest before the note, the breath before the word, the blank space on the page."

A chill hit the air, and I looked up from my studies. There was a stillness, an uneasy calm before the storm. An ambush awaited me; of that, I was certain. No time to wonder how my defenses had failed. No time to ponder how they had found my hidden library in the first place. I had only just lifted my eyes from those insightful words on the Void. Now, I'd have to take my first steps upon it and hope I didn't fall right through.

"Seize her," the lead marauder thundered. Through every window crashed enemies intent on my destruction. Time stretched out before me. With a thought, I was at the center of the fray. A gaping, celestial maw drained the life from them. I found my footing: the power of the Void was manifest, yet this was not its full nature.

The next instant, reality snapped back into its traditional rhythm. I was alone once more. The intruders didn't even have time to comprehend their fate. I was barely more enlightened than they were, yet I had gleaned one fundamental truth.

A step upon the Void is a step upon that nothing which can bear the weight.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "\"The space between defines the shape. The rest before the note, the breath before the word, the blank space on the page.\"  \n\nA chill hit the air, and I looked up from my studies. There was a stillness, an uneasy calm before the storm. An ambush awaited me; of that, I was certain. No time to wonder how my defenses had failed. No time to ponder how they had found my hidden library in the first place. I had only just lifted my eyes from those insightful words on the Void. Now, I'd have to take my first steps upon it and hope I didn't fall right through. \n\n\"Seize her,\" the lead marauder thundered. Through every window crashed enemies intent on my destruction. Time stretched out before me. With a thought, I was at the center of the fray. A gaping, celestial maw drained the life from them. I found my footing: the power of the Void was manifest, yet this was not its full nature. \n\nThe next instant, reality snapped back into its traditional rhythm. I was alone once more. The intruders didn't even have time to comprehend their fate. I was barely more enlightened than they were, yet I had gleaned one fundamental truth. \n\nA step upon the Void is a step upon that nothing which can bear the weight.",
    "name": "Voidwalker",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "",
  "hash": 693166189,
  "index": 1955,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false