Cool Destiny Tool

Lucky Raspberry

"I dunno. Hunter just came in one day with this odd Arc-reacting circuit, asking what it might be good for. All she could tell me was she scored it off some derelict satellite that crashed in the EDZ. So I ran diagnostics on them and it ebbed and flowed with massive Arc fluctuations. No pattern, no match to known solar or extra-solar events. Just random-like. So I hooked one into an old Malina vest we had lying around, and wished her luck. Word's got out, I guess."

—Overheard in the Tower

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "\"I dunno. Hunter just came in one day with this odd Arc-reacting circuit, asking what it might be good for. All she could tell me was she scored it off some derelict satellite that crashed in the EDZ. So I ran diagnostics on them and it ebbed and flowed with massive Arc fluctuations. No pattern, no match to known solar or extra-solar events. Just random-like. So I hooked one into an old Malina vest we had lying around, and wished her luck. Word's got out, I guess.\" \n\n—Overheard in the Tower",
    "name": "Lucky Raspberry",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "No one has ever died wearing me.\n# It's true. She leaves the unworthy before they fall.",
  "hash": 419976111,
  "index": 86,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false