Cool Destiny Tool


RM: "Into the final turn! Marcus Ren leading by four lengths!"

HB: "That's four less than the last time he won 15 in a row. Think he has the flu?"

RM: "It doesn't look like he has anything but victory on his mind! One quick turn back to check behind him and… uh, that's…"

HB: "Did he drop his lucky coin?"

RM: "Ren looking down at the track and WHOA! What was that?!"

HB: "I can't believe it. To fry a cell in the homestretch…"

RM: "Enoch Bast is gaining! Bast is gaining on Ren! He's gonna catch him!"

HB: "He won't."

RM: "He's gonna catch him!"

HB: "He can't."


HB: "We can't see what's going on under that helmet, but I bet Ren is just furious."

RM: "Enoch Bast is the Crimson Cup Champion! The first Titan to hold the trophy in over a decade!"

HB: "And the first racer to beat Marcus Ren in almost as long."

RM: "Ren looking back one last time as he coasts off the track. Check out all the well-wishers swarming around the new champion!"

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "RM: \"Into the final turn! Marcus Ren leading by four lengths!\"\nHB: \"That's four less than the last time he won 15 in a row. Think he has the flu?\"\nRM: \"It doesn't look like he has anything but victory on his mind! One quick turn back to check behind him and… uh, that's…\"\nHB: \"Did he drop his lucky coin?\"\nRM: \"Ren looking down at the track and WHOA! What was that?!\"\nHB: \"I can't believe it. To fry a cell in the homestretch…\"\nRM: \"Enoch Bast is gaining! Bast is gaining on Ren! He's gonna catch him!\"\nHB: \"He won't.\"\nRM: \"He's gonna catch him!\"\nHB: \"He can't.\"\nRM: \"HE DID! ENOCH BAST HAS WON! THE SECOND-YEAR RACER HAS DONE IT! FINALLY!\"\nHB: \"We can't see what's going on under that helmet, but I bet Ren is just furious.\"\nRM: \"Enoch Bast is the Crimson Cup Champion! The first Titan to hold the trophy in over a decade!\"\nHB: \"And the first racer to beat Marcus Ren in almost as long.\"\nRM: \"Ren looking back one last time as he coasts off the track. Check out all the well-wishers swarming around the new champion!\"",
    "name": "Undefeated",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "Marcus Ren's record is unassailable. It would take decades for anyone to catch him.",
  "hash": 3587167050,
  "index": 319,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false