Cool Destiny Tool

BrayTech Researcher's Boots

"The cold might not be the biggest danger out here."

"How so?"

"These cliffs get a fair amount of graupel, which is bad news."


"Right. So all snow isn't created equal. Graupel is like snowflake-sized hail. Because it's denser and has a higher viscosity, when you layer it under regular snow the chances of an avalanche increase exponentially."

"So how do we deal with it?"

"Keep quiet and walk lightly."

—BrayTech Recon Log

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "\"The cold might not be the biggest danger out here.\"\n\"How so?\"\n\"These cliffs get a fair amount of graupel, which is bad news.\"\n\"Graupel?\"\n\"Right. So all snow isn't created equal. Graupel is like snowflake-sized hail. Because it's denser and has a higher viscosity, when you layer it under regular snow the chances of an avalanche increase exponentially.\"\n\"So how do we deal with it?\"\n\"Keep quiet and walk lightly.\"\n\n—BrayTech Recon Log",
    "name": "BrayTech Researcher's Boots",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "Snow is snow is snow. Right?",
  "hash": 3570133647,
  "index": 438,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false