Cool Destiny Tool

Saint's Vocation


I regret that we must once again part ways so soon after your return. Knowing you are there to watch over the Trials assuages my concerns and is the only reason I feel comfortable departing on this urgent mission. I must leave you with a monition, though. Be forewarned, the former custodian of the Lighthouse was delving into dangerous territory. The Lighthouses are not what they seem. They may bring a ruin upon us that we have no answer for. They may also be innocuous, but you know their architects as well as I. Lean toward caution. I urge a careful eye and ear. Their final intent is not known to me.

I will return. I look forward to our reunion. Stay vigilant.

Yours, in time,


  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Saint,\n\nI regret that we must once again part ways so soon after your return. Knowing you are there to watch over the Trials assuages my concerns and is the only reason I feel comfortable departing on this urgent mission. I must leave you with a monition, though. Be forewarned, the former custodian of the Lighthouse was delving into dangerous territory. The Lighthouses are not what they seem. They may bring a ruin upon us that we have no answer for. They may also be innocuous, but you know their architects as well as I. Lean toward caution. I urge a careful eye and ear. Their final intent is not known to me. \n\nI will return. I look forward to our reunion. Stay vigilant.\n\nYours, in time,\nOsiris",
    "name": "Saint's Vocation",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "A new chance. A new calling.",
  "hash": 3528646489,
  "index": 1390,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false