Cool Destiny Tool

Hardy's Orders

File: Jacob Hardy, pilot, Ares One


Centro Aguirre Pacifica Resort

Path to Ares: 63 Days to Launch


Hardy: OK, whoever this is, you have 30 seconds. The whole point of vacationing at the bottom of the ocean is to avoid calls.

General Fiedler: It's Fiedler, Hardy.

H: Oh! Yes, sir.

F: It's about Moon X.

H: Sir?

F: Your friend Evie was right. It's almost impossible to track, but she has a way, and now it showed up right where she said it would: inbound to Mars. Did you copy? It's going to be on Mars. You saw what it did to Jupiter and Mercury and Venus. So, we want to send a multinational crew to intercept it.

H: Multinational…

F: You'll be the pilot of the craft.

H: Uh… look, I don't disagree with the idea, but Mars is 50 million km away.

F: Give or take, yeah. The mission will have to depart for Mars in two months. Sixty days.

H: Sixty days.

F: So enjoy your vacation and then get back here. We're building a clubhouse and a ship. We're gonna catch this sucker.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "File: Jacob Hardy, pilot, Ares One\n—Supplemental—\nCentro Aguirre Pacifica Resort\nPath to Ares: 63 Days to Launch\n0746\n\nHardy: OK, whoever this is, you have 30 seconds. The whole point of vacationing at the bottom of the ocean is to avoid calls.\n\nGeneral Fiedler: It's Fiedler, Hardy.\n\nH: Oh! Yes, sir.\n\nF: It's about Moon X.\n\nH: Sir?\n\nF: Your friend Evie was right. It's almost impossible to track, but she has a way, and now it showed up right where she said it would: inbound to Mars. Did you copy? It's going to be on Mars. You saw what it did to Jupiter and Mercury and Venus. So, we want to send a multinational crew to intercept it.\n\nH: Multinational…\n\nF: You'll be the pilot of the craft.\n\nH: Uh… look, I don't disagree with the idea, but Mars is 50 million km away. \n\nF: Give or take, yeah. The mission will have to depart for Mars in two months. Sixty days.\n\nH: Sixty days.\n\nF: So enjoy your vacation and then get back here. We're building a clubhouse and a ship. We're gonna catch this sucker.",
    "name": "Hardy's Orders",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"In the end we'll be known for something bigger than all of us.\"",
  "hash": 2890202680,
  "index": 420,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false