Cool Destiny Tool

Solstice Mask (Rekindled)

"Now is not the time, Cayde." Sword strike. Forty-one Cabal down.

"On the contrary, my horned friend." Throwing knife. Thirty-six. "These red lesions are burning down our house. The stakes have never been higher!" Hand cannon. Thirty-seven. "Let's say… two thousand Glimmer a head."

"Ikora said 'Red Legion,' you fool. And no." Sword strike. Forty-two and forty-three.

"Five thousand."

"I will not wager against you when our home—"


"Wh— What is this? Cayde, what have you done to me? Another trick to win a bet we haven't made?"



"No, you big ox! I can't… ugh. Can't you see that it got me too? Look out!" Sidearm. Thirty-eight.

"The Light is beyond my reach. My Ghost is empty." Sword strike. Forty-four. "This means…"

"They need us. We should split up." Throwing knife. Thirty-nine. "I'll sweep the streets, you take the—"

"Ten thousand." Sword strike. Forty-five. "THESE are the highest stakes." Sword strike. Forty-six. "You want a bet, Hunter? Let's bet. The only prize is our lives. For all time.”

Hand cannon. Firefly! Forty, forty-one, forty-two. "You're on."

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "\"Now is not the time, Cayde.\" Sword strike. Forty-one Cabal down.\n\n\"On the contrary, my horned friend.\" Throwing knife. Thirty-six. \"These red lesions are burning down our house. The stakes have never been higher!\" Hand cannon. Thirty-seven. \"Let's say… two thousand Glimmer a head.\"\n\n\"Ikora said 'Red Legion,' you fool. And no.\" Sword strike. Forty-two and forty-three.\n\n\"Five thousand.\"\n\n\"I will not wager against you when our home—\"\n\nSevered.\n\n\"Wh— What is this? Cayde, what have you done to me? Another trick to win a bet we haven't made?\"\n\n\"Ugh.\"\n\n\"Cayde!\"\n\n\"No, you big ox! I can't… ugh. Can't you see that it got me too? Look out!\" Sidearm. Thirty-eight.\n\n\"The Light is beyond my reach. My Ghost is empty.\" Sword strike. Forty-four. \"This means…\"\n\n\"They need us. We should split up.\" Throwing knife. Thirty-nine. \"I'll sweep the streets, you take the—\"\n\n\"Ten thousand.\" Sword strike. Forty-five. \"THESE are the highest stakes.\" Sword strike. Forty-six. \"You want a bet, Hunter? Let's bet. The only prize is our lives. For all time.”\n\nHand cannon. Firefly! Forty, forty-one, forty-two. \"You're on.\"",
    "name": "Solstice Mask (Rekindled)",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "Hide your true face from the sun, lest you get burned.",
  "hash": 2886086525,
  "index": 467,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false