Cool Destiny Tool

Contraverse Hold


All things have a cost. But what if I didn't have to be the one to pay it?

The many-worlds theory may be out of fashion among my peers, but the fanatical beliefs of the Future War Cult don't come from nowhere.

I remember the exact moment I realized: If I was investigating ways to make my parallel selves carry my burdens, then surely those Tomeks had already had the same idea.

I had no way of knowing the others' progress. But each time I bent my head over my workbench, I felt the gaze of infinite eyes upon my shoulders.

In the end, I and one other activated our inventions at the exact same space-time coordinates.

It came down to a cosmic coin toss. One of us became the owner of the powerful Contraverse Hold.

And I became a battery.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "FROM THE WRITINGS OF TOMEK\n\nAll things have a cost. But what if I didn't have to be the one to pay it?\n\nThe many-worlds theory may be out of fashion among my peers, but the fanatical beliefs of the Future War Cult don't come from nowhere.\n\nI remember the exact moment I realized: If I was investigating ways to make my parallel selves carry my burdens, then surely those Tomeks had already had the same idea.\n\nI had no way of knowing the others' progress. But each time I bent my head over my workbench, I felt the gaze of infinite eyes upon my shoulders.\n\nIn the end, I and one other activated our inventions at the exact same space-time coordinates.\n\nIt came down to a cosmic coin toss. One of us became the owner of the powerful Contraverse Hold.\n\nAnd I became a battery.",
    "name": "Contraverse Hold",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"Nothing is free. I know that. Therefore, he knows it too. If our places were swapped, he would do the same.\" —Tomek I",
  "hash": 2389062558,
  "index": 844,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false