Cool Destiny Tool

Aeon Soul

to stand apart from your [heroes) are

commonplace these (days] of change

draw ever [closer) looks at what is forbidden

can only (help] them help [you) are so afraid

of the (taboos] must be [overthrown) rulers

would agree i'm (sure]ly you are convinced by

[now) go and

find yourselves]


  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "to stand apart from your [heroes) are\ncommonplace these (days] of change\ndraw ever [closer) looks at what is forbidden\ncan only (help] them help [you) are so afraid\nof the (taboos] must be [overthrown) rulers\nwould agree i'm (sure]ly you are convinced by\n[now) go and\nfind yourselves]\n]",
    "name": "Aeon Soul",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"We are unique emanations of the same shared Light.\" —Cult of the Aeons",
  "hash": 2076339106,
  "index": 291,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false