Cool Destiny Tool

Qiao's Care

Qiao Supplemental

Project Catamaran

Clubhouse Gymnasium

A/V Recording

Path to Ares: 30 Days to Launch

Hardy: What, you don't play basketball?

Qiao: Of course I do.

Hardy: Okay, so me and Mihaylova against you and Evie.

Evie: Oh, we'll wipe the floor with you.

Mihaylova: Don't be so sure.

Hardy: How's the nav coming?

Qiao: All told, beautiful. With Mihay's AI and Evie's theories—

Evie: We don't want to accidentally run into it.

Hardy: It?

Evie: Moon X.

Mihaylova: Agh!

Evie: Too slow.

Hardy: Hey! No traveling.

Evie: Sorry—

Qiao: Got it.

Hardy: Not so fast—

Qiao: Two points. You want to talk about fast.

Evie: Wait. Wait.

Hardy: Huh. Okay. What?

Evie: Traveling. Moon X. Look, we need to stop even thinking of it as a satellite or a false moon. It's big, but it acts alive— this thing moves with purpose. It's a visitor. It's… a Traveler.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Qiao Supplemental\nProject Catamaran\nClubhouse Gymnasium\nA/V Recording\nPath to Ares: 30 Days to Launch\n\nHardy: What, you don't play basketball?\n\nQiao: Of course I do.\n\nHardy: Okay, so me and Mihaylova against you and Evie.\n\nEvie: Oh, we'll wipe the floor with you.\n\nMihaylova: Don't be so sure.\n\nHardy: How's the nav coming?\n\nQiao: All told, beautiful. With Mihay's AI and Evie's theories—\n\nEvie: We don't want to accidentally run into it.\n\nHardy: It?\n\nEvie: Moon X.\n\nMihaylova: Agh!\n\nEvie: Too slow.\n\nHardy: Hey! No traveling.\n\nEvie: Sorry—\n\nQiao: Got it.\n\nHardy: Not so fast—\n\nQiao: Two points. You want to talk about fast.\n\nEvie: Wait. Wait.\n\nHardy: Huh. Okay. What?\n\nEvie: Traveling. Moon X. Look, we need to stop even thinking of it as a satellite or a false moon. It's big, but it acts alive— this thing moves with purpose. It's a visitor. It's… a Traveler.",
    "name": "Qiao's Care",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"Always reach for understanding and compassion.\"",
  "hash": 1886868481,
  "index": 392,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false