Cool Destiny Tool

Worldline Zero

Domain: cbcorpMARS

User: elbray

Password: ************

Connecting to Bray network.

You are now logged in.

> cbmail -inbox

You have 1 new message from wibray.

> cbmail -read 1

"El, congrats on your success! I saw the latest readings. This will be huge! I did have some thoughts on potential applications of your research. Let's have a chat, dinner will be on me. :-)"

> cbmail -del all

Message has been removed.

> cd /

Directory changed to root.

> sudo rm -rf /*

[sudo] Enter password for superuser> ********

Are you sure? > y

Deleting 1452832 files…

Error! 1 file HEINDX-005 could not be deleted.

1452831 files successfully deleted.

> logout

Fatal: No shell: Permission denied.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "Domain: cbcorpMARS\nUser: elbray\nPassword: ************\nConnecting to Bray network. \nYou are now logged in. \n> cbmail -inbox\nYou have 1 new message from wibray. \n> cbmail -read 1\n\"El, congrats on your success! I saw the latest readings. This will be huge! I did have some thoughts on potential applications of your research. Let's have a chat, dinner will be on me. :-)\" \n> cbmail -del all \nMessage has been removed. \n> cd /\nDirectory changed to root.\n> sudo rm -rf /*\n[sudo] Enter password for superuser> ********\nAre you sure? > y\nDeleting 1452832 files…\nError! 1 file HEINDX-005 could not be deleted. \n1452831 files successfully deleted. \n> logout\nFatal: No shell: Permission denied.",
    "name": "Worldline Zero",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "A single strike can alter the course of history.",
  "hash": 1864563948,
  "index": 357,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false