Cool Destiny Tool

Lightkin Cloak






:: Thank you for using VANNET ::

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:: Connecting you with your party // EUROPA1@JOVIANFOB ::


@BOTZA-GUEST: Light grace you.

@EURFOB: Variks is relieved to hear you, Misraaks. You are there, beneath the Great Machine?

@BOTZA-GUEST: Yes. Without your assistance, we would never have survived the Vex attack.

@EURFOB: This is clear. And from this gratitude, you now speak in Human language during private correspondence?

@BOTZA-GUEST: I follow custom, and I do not wish my hosts to think I hide my words from them.

@EURFOB: How gracious. But Vex attacking you when House Salvation did? Curious, yes?

@BOTZA-GUEST: I have not had much time to ponder it.

@EURFOB: How are the survivors? The hatchlings? Your daughter?

@BOTZA-GUEST: They are all well. Eido is excited beyond words. She has dreamed of this day, but never believed it would come.

@BOTZA-GUEST: Why did you not come with us?

@EURFOB: The Great Machine has no business with Variks. Besides, who would keep an eye on Eramis?

@BOTZA-GUEST: I thought she—

@EURFOB: Always the hatchling. Nothing is forever.

@EURFOB: We know this.

[long silence]

@BOTZA-GUEST: I must go, Variks. There is much to do.

@EURFOB: Walk quietly in your own shadow, Misraakskel.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "// VANNET // CIVILIAN TERMINAL // ENCRYPTION ENABLED //\n\n// TRANSMISSION ORIGIN: EUROPA //\n\n// AUDIO CONVERSATION LOG—TRANSLATION MODULE ACTIVE //\n\n// USER: @BOTZA-GUEST //\n\n// USER: @EURFOB //\n\n:: Thank you for using VANNET ::\n\n:: Your conversation may be recorded ::\n\n:: Connecting you with your party // EUROPA1@JOVIANFOB ::\n\n----------\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: Light grace you. \n\n@EURFOB: Variks is relieved to hear you, Misraaks. You are there, beneath the Great Machine?\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: Yes. Without your assistance, we would never have survived the Vex attack.\n\n@EURFOB: This is clear. And from this gratitude, you now speak in Human language during private correspondence? \n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I follow custom, and I do not wish my hosts to think I hide my words from them.\n\n@EURFOB: How gracious. But Vex attacking you when House Salvation did? Curious, yes?\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I have not had much time to ponder it. \n\n@EURFOB:  How are the survivors? The hatchlings? Your daughter?\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: They are all well. Eido is excited beyond words. She has dreamed of this day, but never believed it would come.\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: Why did you not come with us?\n\n@EURFOB: The Great Machine has no business with Variks. Besides, who would keep an eye on Eramis?\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I thought she—\n\n@EURFOB: Always the hatchling. Nothing is forever.\n\n@EURFOB: We know this.\n\n[long silence]\n\n@BOTZA-GUEST: I must go, Variks. There is much to do. \n\n@EURFOB: Walk quietly in your own shadow, Misraakskel.",
    "name": "Lightkin Cloak",
    "hasIcon": false
  "subtitle": "\"The way folks act toward the Eliksni shows you who they really are. Not sure if that's the worst or best part of this.\" —Amanda Holliday",
  "hash": 1793372050,
  "index": 1835,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false