Cool Destiny Tool

Expunge: Corrupted Tartarus

The Taken have infested what remains of the Tartarus domain within the Vex Nexus and wrested control of the Oppressive Mind. Return and destroy the Oppressive Mind once and for all.

  "displayProperties": {
    "description": "The Taken have infested what remains of the Tartarus domain within the Vex Nexus and wrested control of the Oppressive Mind. Return and destroy the Oppressive Mind once and for all.",
    "name": "Expunge: Corrupted Tartarus",
    "icon": "/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png",
    "hasIcon": false
  "originalDisplayProperties": {
    "description": "The Taken have infested what remains of the Tartarus domain within the Vex Nexus and wrested control of the Oppressive Mind. Return and destroy the Oppressive Mind once and for all.",
    "name": "Expunge: Corrupted Tartarus",
    "icon": "/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png",
    "hasIcon": false
  "selectionScreenDisplayProperties": {
    "description": "The Taken have infested what remains of the Tartarus domain within the Vex Nexus and wrested control of the Oppressive Mind. Return and destroy the Oppressive Mind once and for all.",
    "name": "Corrupted",
    "hasIcon": false
  "releaseIcon": "/img/misc/missing_icon_d2.png",
  "releaseTime": 0,
  "completionUnlockHash": 0,
  "activityLightLevel": 1300,
  "destinationHash": 1729879943,
  "placeHash": 1729879943,
  "activityTypeHash": 1686739444,
  "tier": 1,
  "pgcrImage": "/img/destiny_content/pgcr/season_14_expunge_corrupted_tartarus.jpg",
  "rewards": [],
  "modifiers": [
      "activityModifierHash": 882588556
  "isPlaylist": false,
  "challenges": [],
  "optionalUnlockStrings": [],
  "inheritFromFreeRoam": false,
  "suppressOtherRewards": false,
  "playlistItems": [],
  "matchmaking": {
    "isMatchmade": false,
    "minParty": 1,
    "maxParty": 3,
    "maxPlayers": 3,
    "requiresGuardianOath": false
  "loadouts": [],
  "isPvP": false,
  "insertionPoints": [],
  "activityLocationMappings": [],
  "hash": 3075674397,
  "index": 497,
  "redacted": false,
  "blacklisted": false